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Guest Portrait Satisfaction Policy

At Maui Wedding Art

I am committed to creating a joyful and memorable experience through live wedding portraits that capture the essence of your special event. While each portrait is a unique artistic interpretation, I value guest satisfaction and strive to provide the highest level of service. Below is my policy regarding guest feedback and satisfaction, aligned with our general policy for events and services:

Who Hires My Services

My services are typically hired by the bride and groom, their close family, or the wedding planner/coordinator, and I prioritize their needs and preferences first. While I aim to create a delightful experience for all guests, my main responsibility is to the couple and their overall vision for the event.

I work closely with the couple and their team to personalize each event based on their timeline, the venue, and specific circumstances. Individual guests do not hire me, so while guest feedback is valuable, my priority is ensuring the couple’s overall satisfaction and the event’s success.

Style and Expectations

Before I book each event as a live portrait, I provide examples of my artistic style and approach to ensure clear expectations. Guests are encouraged to share preferences, but it’s important to understand that all portraits are created in my signature style and according to the type of work requested (Caricatures, Sketch Paintings on Canvas, Watercolor Portraits, Sketch Illustrations, etc.).

Event Time and Guest Volume

Each event has a limited amount of time and often a wide number of guests. The more time I spend on each individual portrait, the fewer guests I can draw. To accommodate larger crowds within the time frame, the sketches may become more abstract and "unfinished" as the speed increases to ensure that every guest has an opportunity for a portrait.

Guest Feedback and Adjustments

If a guest expresses dissatisfaction with their portrait, I will listen to their concerns with care and professionalism. Minor adjustments can often be made on-site to address specific feedback.

If significant changes are requested, I may offer to revisit the portrait after the event at my studio. Any additional work or re-creation can be discussed, and delivery options will be arranged. Shipping or additional delivery costs may apply.

Limitations and Artistic Integrity

Due to the live nature of the event, time constraints, and the artistic process, there are limits to the adjustments that can be made on-site. I communicate any such limitations clearly before beginning the portrait.

Faster Sketches for Larger Events

When the guest count is high, I may need to produce quicker, more simplified sketches. While these portraits will capture the essence of the guest, they may be less detailed to ensure everyone is included. This is done to balance quality and time within the parameters of the event.

I respect and value all guest feedback, but the final artistic interpretation remains my own. While I strive to capture the likeness and spirit of the subject, exact likenesses are not guaranteed, as I focus on the overall energy and character in my unique style.

Pricing Structure

My pricing is based on the time provided for each event, not on the number of drawings made or the materials used. The packages I offer are designed to accommodate the duration of the event, allowing flexibility to adjust for the number of guests and the style of portrait.

While I aim to create as many portraits as possible within the allotted time, the quality of each portrait and the personalization of the event remain my top priorities.

Refunds and Compensation

In alignment with my general policy, refunds are not offered for live event portraits. However, I am happy to explore alternative solutions such as offering a rescheduled service or creating an alternate artwork for the cost of the deposit.

If a guest remains dissatisfied after reasonable adjustments, I may provide an exchange.

Reschedule and Merchandise Credit

In the event of unforeseen circumstances (including, but not limited to, wedding cancellations, changes of plans, breakups, deaths, natural disasters, or weather conditions), I offer the option to reschedule or exchange services.

This policy is valid for up to two years from the initial payment, during which time I can reschedule the portrait session or provide an alternate artwork or service of equal value, applying the deposit toward this new arrangement.

Prevention and Best Practices

To minimize dissatisfaction, I encourage my clients to observe samples of my work and discuss any specific preferences prior to the event or the beginning of their portrait. Setting clear expectations helps ensure that the final result aligns with the client's and guest’s vision.

Guests are also welcome to view their portraits during the creation process. If small adjustments are desired, they can often be made before the portrait is finalized.


Open and respectful communication is key. If any concerns arise, I am committed to addressing them promptly and professionally, ensuring a positive experience at your event.

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